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Cheat meals – dirty by nature but sorely misunderstood in terms of mental health benefits.

Cheat meals – dirty by nature but sorely misunderstood in terms of mental health benefits.

When it comes to losing weight or maintaining your fitness, you might have to minimise the amount of sugar and fried foods you consume.

At the beginning, this may seem easy and exciting, but with time meals can become monotonous, and we tend to give up. Cheat meals are one of the best ways to avoid giving up all together.

A cheat meal merges a food you really love and relaxes the strictness some dietary patterns. This meal is popular among fitness enthusiasts, you maintain a strict diet for a whole week except for one day where you get to eat whatever you want.

Most people think that a cheat meal is dirty, and it will ruin their week-long efforts for weight loss. These people have entirely misunderstood the purpose of having cheat meals.

Cheat meals do not stop you from reaching your fitness goals; instead, it boosts your metabolism, and can cause your body to burn more calories after eating.

However, there is also a whole other side to the cheat meal equation – mental health. Many people feel regular cheat meals helps them to stick to a strict diet. They find that after eating a cheat meal, it is easier for them to stop food cravings on other days of the week.

It helps to keep your mind focused on your goals and not continually trying to resist your cravings. By indulging in a good meal, you will be able to relax and also stay focused.

Food and mood are closely linked. Restricting calories increases the stress hormone cortisol, which makes diets more challenging, and can also make them much more stressful to adhere to.

Cheat meals can also be your motivator. You can easily resist other temptations knowing that you cheat day is coming soon. Eating also prompts the brain to release happy hormones known as endorphins and dopamine (a hormone that plays a vital role in motivation, reinforcement and pleasure).

On cheat days, the best place to go is Milky Lane. They are one of the best burger restaurants in Australia. They have so much to choose from on their menu, not just burgers but sides and desserts too.

The best thing about Milky Lane is they use 100% organic meat, and all of the ingredients are fresh, which makes the burger taste like heaven. After eating such good food, there is no chance of feeling guilty for your cheat meal.

They also have a special cheat platter on their menu which includes any burger of your choice, two mac & croquettes or mash potato balls, loaded fries, pop-corn chicken and a thick shake. Check out their menu here.

If you are also on a strict diet, visit Milky Lane on your cheat day. They will deliver you with happy taste buds, a full stomach and no guilt.

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