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This or that? Breaking down the must-have ingredients on every burger.

This or that? Breaking down the must-have ingredients on every burger.

Making the perfect burger is all about getting the ingredients right. Too much of one thing can make it too dry, while too much of something else can make it soggy.

This is one of the reasons why I always prefer going to a restaurant for a burger instead of making a burger at home.

These days we are more concerned about what we eat; we judge the overall burger, but each of the ingredients must be equally as good, so as the quality of burger gets higher, it gets harder to please the burger lovers.

Here is a breakdown of the essential components; no good burger should be without.

A Great Burger Starts With a Great Bun

The last thing that you want in your burger is a disappointing bun that ruins all the other ingredients. So, before playing with the ingredients inside the burger, a good burger bun is essential.

Burgers have been synonymous with buns for a long time now, but that does not mean you cannot experiment. Swapping traditional buns with vegan or gluten-free buns, rice buns, or even a baked potato is quite a trend these days.

A Premium Patty

Gone are the days when people didn’t care what kind of meat went into their burgers. Now they want their patties to be tender, juicy and flavoursome after all, and the patty is the most important part of the burger.

High-quality meat, the right amount of seasoning, binding ingredients and correct cooking methods – this is what makes a premium patty.

A Good Dose of Crunch

I don’t think anyone likes a soggy burger; a good amount of crunch is a must. Plenty of crunchy vegetables like lettuce, cucumber, onion and cabbage work to make the burger even more delicious.

These vegetables go really well with any meat, but the vegetables need to be fresh, and with a veggie burger, beetroot and carrot taste amazing.

The Perfect Slice of Burger Cheese

A burger without a slice of cheese is incomplete. The best cheese for a burger is American cheese because the consistency is just perfect for burgers.

It has a higher melting point, but it still hits the gooey factor when all the beef juices melt into it. However, using cheddar, Swiss and blue cheese is also on-trend these days.

The Secret Sauce

Nobody wants to have a dry burger. Sauces play a vital role in making a burger juicy. Every burger restaurant usually has its own ‘secret’ or speciality sauce that they don’t share with anyone.

Maybe this is the reason why homemade burgers are always missing something, no matter how hard you try.

To devour such a rich burger, you will have to visit Milky Lane. The team at Milky Lane puts in a lot of hard work to make the most delicious burgers in Australia. Each layer is crafted using high-quality ingredients and the utmost care. Visit Milky Lane near you or order online and satiate your burger cravings.

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